Integrated Therapeutic & Beyond the Classroom Curriculum
The Parkside School is committed to ensuring the CYP are equipped for life in modern Britain. As well as our whole school curriculum, we also have our Beyond the Classroom Curriculum.
The intent of the ‘Beyond the Classroom’ curriculum is to provide CYP with the skills and experiences to be as independent as possible, to engage in society with confidence and to reach their personal and career aspirations.
This is achieved through the following:
- Careers programme which provides a curriculum that establishes skills, work experience and a growing knowledge of the world of work
- A Therapeutic Curriculum that provides mental health support for our CYP people
- OPAL: a playtime curriculum that develops confident, happy, healthy children and young people who, due to their SEND, do not have the same play opportunities outside of school
- To develop independence skills in order to access opportunities of their interest whilst being less reliant on others for support, this will include independent travel training (TITAN)
- Development of Cultural Capital where we provide CYP with Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural experiences in order to support their engagement in society and create aspirations
Nurture Provision at Parkside
We also have a nurture provision at Parkside for our learners with SEMH needs who require a more bespoke curriculum associated with their SEMH needs. CYP access the main curriculum through their home class and have therapeutic interventions around their needs in the nurture provision.
The nurturing approach offers a range of opportunities for CYP to engage with interventions and sessions giving them the social and emotional skills to feel success at school and with peers, develop their resilience and vital social skills, build and develop their confidence and self-respect and to take pride in self-regulating and taking ownership and responsibility for their choices.